In the path to deliver SWIM (System Wide Information Management), NAV Portugal has recently enrolled as a partner in ACADIA (Acceleration of Aeronautical Digital Information Availability), a European Union multi-stakeholder project with more than 20 organizations, including national airport operators and other data originators, who alongside an already existing national plan for data completeness are now partnering to ensure a timely and synchronized implementation of the Common Project One Regulation (CIR (EU) 2021/116) (CP1) addressing in particular the implementation of the ATM Functionality ‘AF5-SWIM’ to be deployed by end of 2025.

SWIM aims at the digitalization of information exchanges across the European Air Traffic Management (ATM) system, enabling direct operational benefits by assuring the provision of quality information by means of Digital NOTAM and Aeronautical Information Services such as Aeronautical Information Features Exchange (AIFS) and Aerodrome Mapping service, that will facilitate synchronization of aviation actors on changes to aeronautical facilities, services, procedures, or hazards. To meet these objectives, processes, and tools, including those already established, will be developed or procured to accelerate the digitalization of aeronautical information and the provision of SWIM AIM services.

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