GEN 3.2 Aeronautical Charts
3.2.1 Responsible service
Aeronautical charts are produced and published by NAV Portugal, E.P.E - Aeronautical Information Service.
NAV Portugal, E.P.E. publishes a range of aeronautical charts for use by all types of civil aviation.
For contacts see GEN 3.1.1 - AIS Headquarters or:
The Standards, Recommended Practices and, when applicable, the procedures contained in the following ICAO documents are applied:
- Annex 4 - Aeronautical Charts;
- DOC 8697 - Aeronautical Chart Manual; and
- DOC 8168 - Aircraft Operations.
Differences from ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices are published in GEN 1.7.
3.2.2 Maintenance of charts
Charts included in the AIP are kept up-to-date by the AIP Amendments. If incorrect information of operational significance is detected on charts published in the AIP, a corrective NOTAM is issued.
Aeronautical Charts 1:500 000 and 1:1 000 000 have new editions published on a 2 years schedule - Portugal Mainland chart and a 4 years schedule - Azores and Madeira Archipelagos chart. For updates and correction see 3.2.8.
3.2.3 Purchase arrangements
Charts are available as part of the AIP, except for the ANC-ICAO, Aeronautical Chart ICAO 1:500 000 Portugal Mainland, Aeronautical Chart ICAO 1:500 000 Portugal - Madeira Archipelago and Aeronautical Chart ICAO 1:500 000/1:1 000 000 Portugal - Azores Archipelago, which are not part of the AIP and may be purchased from the Aeronautical Information Service (see in paper or digital format.
3.2.4 Aeronautical Chart series available
The following types of charts are published:
- Aerodrome Obstacle Chart - ICAO Type A (Operating Limitations) (AOC-A): This chart contains detailed information on obstacles in the take-off flight path areas of aerodromes. It is shown in plan and profile view. This obstacle information provides the data necessary to enable an operator to comply with the operating limitations of Annex 6, Parts I and II, Chapter 5.
- Precision Approach Terrain Chart - ICAO (PATC): This chart provides detailed terrain profile information within a defined portion of the final approach so as to enable aircraft operating agencies to assess the effect of the terrain on decision height determination by the use of radio altimeters. This chart is produced for all precision approach Cat II and III runways.
- En-route Chart - ICAO (ENRC): This chart is produced for the entire LPPC FIR. The aeronautical data include all prohibited, restricted and danger areas and the air traffic services system in detail. The chart provides the flight crew with information that will facilitate navigation along ATS routes in compliance with air traffic services procedures.
- Area Chart - ICAO (ARC): This chart is produced when the air traffic services routes or position reporting requirements are complex and cannot be shown on an En-route Chart — ICAO. It shows, in more detail, those aerodromes that affect terminal routings, prohibited, restricted and danger areas and the air traffic services system. This chart provides the flight crew with information that will facilitate the following phases of instrument flight:
- the transition between the en-route phase and the approach to an aerodrome;
- the transition between the take-off/missed approach and the en-route phase of flight; and
- flights through areas of complex ATS routes or airspace structure.
- Standard Departure Chart – Instrument (SID) - ICAO (SID): This chart is produced whenever a standard departure route-instrument procedure has been established and cannot be shown with sufficient clarity on the Area Chart — ICAO. The aeronautical data shown include the aerodrome of departure, aerodrome(s) which affect the designated standard departure route — instrument, prohibited, restricted and danger areas and the air traffic services system. This chart provides the flight crew with information that will enable them to comply with the designated standard departure route — instrument from the take-off phase to the en-route phase.
- Standard Arrival Chart – Instrument (STAR) - ICAO (STAR): This chart is produced whenever a standard arrival route-instrument procedure has been established and cannot be shown with sufficient clarity on the Area Chart — ICAO. The aeronautical data shown include the aerodrome of landing, aerodrome(s) which affect the designated standard arrival route-instrument, prohibited, restricted and danger areas and the air traffic services system. This chart provides the flight crew with information that will enable them to comply with the designated standard arrival route-instrument from the en-route phase to the approach phase.
- Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO (IAC): This chart is produced for all aerodromes used by civil aviation where instrument approach procedures have been established. A separate Instrument Approach Chart — ICAO has been provided for each approach procedure. The aeronautical data shown include information on aerodromes, prohibited, restricted and danger areas, radio communication facilities and navigation aids, minimum sector altitude, procedure track portrayed in plan and profile view, aerodrome operating minima, etc. This chart provides the flight crew with information that will enable them to perform an approved instrument approach procedure to the runway of intended landing including the missed approach procedure and where applicable, associated holding patterns.
- Visual Approach Chart - ICAO (VAC): This chart is produced for aerodromes used by civil aviation where:
- only limited navigation facilities are available; or
- radio communication facilities are not available; or
- no adequate aeronautical charts of the aerodrome and its surroundings at 1:500 000 or greater scale are available; or
- visual approach procedures have been established.
- The aeronautical data shown include information on aerodromes, obstacles, designated airspace, visual approach information, radio navigation aids and communication facilities, as appropriate.
- Aerodrome Chart - ICAO (ADC): This chart contains detailed aerodrome/heliport data to provide flight crews with information that will facilitate the ground movement of aircraft:
- from the aircraft stand to the runway; and
- from the runway to the aircraft stand;
and helicopter movement:- from the helicopter stand to the touchdown and lift-off area and to the final approach and take-off area;
- from the final approach and take-off area to the touchdown and lift-off area and to the helicopter stand;
- along helicopter ground and air taxiways; and
- along air transit routes.
It also provides essential operational information at the aerodrome/heliport. - Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart - ICAO (GMC): This chart is produced for those aerodromes where, due to congestion of information, details necessary for the ground movement of aircraft along the taxiways to and from the aircraft stands and for the parking/docking of aircraft cannot be shown with sufficient clarity on the Aerodrome/Heliport Chart — ICAO.
- Aircraft Parking/Docking Chart - ICAO (APDC): This chart is produced for those aerodromes where, due to the complexity of the terminal facilities, the information to facilitate the ground movement of aircraft between the taxiways and the aircraft stands and the parking/docking of aircraft cannot be shown with sufficient clarity on the Aerodrome/Heliport Chart — ICAO or on the Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart — ICAO.
- Aeronautical Charts - ICAO 1:500 000 / 1:1 000 000 (ANC): This chart is produced based on Lambert Conformal Conic Projection. The aeronautical data shown area consistent with the use of of short and medium range operations and depict all relevant aeronautical and topographical features. The chart includes a selection of aerodromes, significant obstacles, elements of ATS systems, prohibited, restricted and dangerous areas, and radio navigation aids. The chart provides the information needed for visual air navigation and may be also used as a pre-flight planning chart.
- ATC Surveillance Minimum Altitude Chart - ICAO (ATCSMAC): This chart is supplementary to the Area Chart and provides information which will enable flight crews to monitor and cross-check altitudes assigned while under radar control.
- Visual Approach and Landing Chart (VALC): For the particular operation of approach and landing at LPMA, a special visual approach chart was created, very similar to the VAC-ICAO, but with a higher scale.
- Visual Take-off Chart (VTOF): For the particular operation of take off at LPMA, a special take-off chart was created, very similar to the VAC-ICAO, but with a higher scale.
3.2.5 List of aeronautical charts available
A detailed list of charts related to each individual airport is given in the relevant aerodrome subsection, AD 2 item 2.24.
A detailed list of charts related to en-route and area can be seen at ENR 6.
In addition, the following charts (not published in the AIP) are available:.
Scale | Name and/or Number | Provider | Date |
1:500 000 | PORTUGAL Mainland (2318) PORTO and (2347) LISBOA | NAV Portugal | MAY 2022 |
1:500 000 | PORTUGAL-MADEIRA Archipelago (2418/2419) | NAV Portugal | DECEMBER 2017 |
1:500 000 / 1:1 000 000 | PORTUGAL-AZORES Archipelago (2350/2351) | NAV Portugal | DECEMBER 2017 |
3.2.6 Index of the Aeronautical Chart - ICAO 1:500 000 and 1.000.000
3.2.7 Topographical Charts
Supplementing the Aeronautical Charts a large variety of topographical charts are available from:
DGT – Direção Geral do Território
CIGeoE - Centro de Informação Geoespacial do Exército
3.2.8 Corrections to Charts not contained in the AIP
Corrections to the Aeronautical Charts ICAO (ANC), are published in Aeronautical Chart Amendment Documents, available at:
Chart | URL |
PORTUGAL - Madeira Archipelago AERONAUTICAL CHART ICAO 1:500 000 | |
PORTUGAL - Azores Archipelago AERONAUTICAL CHART ICAO 1:500 000 / 1:1 000 000 | |
The latest aeronautical information can be obtained by consulting the AIP, VFR Manual and NOTAM as appropriate.