GEN 3.2  Aeronautical Charts

3.2.1   Responsible service

Aeronautical charts are produced and published by NAV Portugal, E.P.E - Aeronautical Information Service.
NAV Portugal, E.P.E. publishes a range of aeronautical charts for use by all types of civil aviation. For contacts see GEN 3.1.1 - AIS Headquarters or:

The Standards, Recommended Practices and, when applicable, the procedures contained in the following ICAO documents are applied:

Differences from ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices are published in GEN 1.7.

3.2.2   Maintenance of charts

Charts included in the AIP are kept up-to-date by the AIP Amendments. If incorrect information of operational significance is detected on charts published in the AIP, a corrective NOTAM is issued.

Aeronautical Charts 1:500 000 and 1:1 000 000 have new editions published on a 2 years schedule - Portugal Mainland chart and a 4 years schedule - Azores and Madeira Archipelagos chart. For updates and correction see 3.2.8.

3.2.3   Purchase arrangements

Charts are available as part of the AIP, except for the ANC-ICAO, Aeronautical Chart ICAO 1:500 000 Portugal Mainland, Aeronautical Chart ICAO 1:500 000 Portugal - Madeira Archipelago and Aeronautical Chart ICAO 1:500 000/1:1 000 000 Portugal - Azores Archipelago, which are not part of the AIP and may be purchased from the Aeronautical Information Service (see in paper or digital format.

3.2.4   Aeronautical Chart series available

The following types of charts are published:

3.2.5   List of aeronautical charts available

A detailed list of charts related to each individual airport is given in the relevant aerodrome subsection, AD 2 item 2.24. A detailed list of charts related to en-route and area can be seen at ENR 6. In addition, the following charts (not published in the AIP) are available:.

ScaleName and/or NumberProviderDate
1:500 000PORTUGAL Mainland (2318) PORTO and (2347) LISBOANAV PortugalMAY 2022
1:500 000PORTUGAL-MADEIRA Archipelago (2418/2419)NAV PortugalDECEMBER 2017
1:500 000 / 1:1 000 000PORTUGAL-AZORES Archipelago (2350/2351)NAV PortugalDECEMBER 2017

3.2.6   Index of the Aeronautical Chart - ICAO 1:500 000 and 1.000.000

3.2.7   Topographical Charts

Supplementing the Aeronautical Charts a large variety of topographical charts are available from:

DGT – Direção Geral do Território
CIGeoE - Centro de Informação Geoespacial do Exército

3.2.8   Corrections to Charts not contained in the AIP

Corrections to the Aeronautical Charts ICAO (ANC), are published in Aeronautical Chart Amendment Documents, available at:
PORTUGAL - Mainland
PORTUGAL - Madeira Archipelago
PORTUGAL - Azores Archipelago
AERONAUTICAL CHART ICAO 1:500 000 / 1:1 000 000

The latest aeronautical information can be obtained by consulting the AIP, VFR Manual and NOTAM as appropriate.