Help on eAIP browsing


The content of this chapter is relevant to using a web browser in order to consult the content of an eAIP in HTML format.

An eAIP may be presented on two different media - on paper and on the screen. Presenting the information on a computer screen and presenting the same information on paper have different constraints. XML and HTML are Web technologies, developed specifically to display information on computer screens.


An eAIP consists of a set of AIP/SUP and AIC files which are issued collectively on a common publication date.

eAIP layout

The left hand side of the browser window will typically contain:

The right hand side of the browser window will display the eAIP content. The eAIP cover page is loaded by default.

Cover Page

The cover page is the default start page of a given eAIP.

The banner section of the cover page shows the name of the state and the publishing organisation for the state

The "Information on this eAIP package" section displays the publication and effective dates, and additional content provided by the publisher.

History Page

Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) may publish their eAIPS on web sites with a list of their eAIPs showing a summary relating to the amendment.

The history page will typically list all eAIPs already published, with the first eAIP in the list being the currently effective one.
This is typically followed by any eAIP already published but not yet effective, and ending with a list of expired eAIPs.

For each eAIP version listed, a link is provided on the effective date text, which links to the index or cover-page file for that eAIP.

eAIPs provided on CDROM may include this history page as well, although with fewer eAIPs listed. At least two eAIPs will be listed, the current and next AMDT.

AIP tab

The AIP tab contains the table of contents of the full AIP published within the current eAIP.

Clicking on a + or - sign will show or hide a sub-level of section titles

Clicking on a section title will open the relevant section in the eAIP window.

The effective date of the full eAIP issue is shown at the top of the table of contents.

AMDT tab

In contrast to a paper AIP, the concept of page replacement is not applicable to the eAIP.
Instead, the AMDT tab contains links [in the form of a blue triangle] to each AMDT change in the AIP.
If there are no AMDTs in the eAIP, the list of changes is empty.

AMDTs may be shown in grouped sections, or may be shown in one large section of "Miscellaneous" changes

Navigating Amendments

Clicking a link will display the location in the AIP where the change has been made

When selecting a particular amendment, the AIP section has a check box in the top right corner, which allows the user to select whether to display the changes in the AIP.

If the check box is ticked tick, the items marked as inserted and deleted are shown.

AIRAC Amendments
Non-AIRAC Amendments

The effective date of the list of amendment changes is visible at the top of the list, which is also the effective date of the eAIP.


The SUPs tab lists currently published AIP Supplements. Each Supplement is shown with:

The publication date of this list of Supplements is shown at the top of the list. This is also the publication date of the eAIP.


The AICs tab lists currently published AIP Circulars. Each circular is shown with:

The publication date of this list of Circulars is shown at the top of the list. This is also be the publication date of the eAIP.


The search tab allows documents to be located by searching through the document content.

To perform a search simply enter one or more search terms in the "Search For" dialog box and click the "Start" button.

The Search tab will then display the number of eAIP files that contain the matching text, and a list of hypertext links to those eAIP files.

If the "All words" check box is ticked tick, the results will be a conjunctive search, where only documents matching all the search terms will be listed.

For example, searching for: search rescue with the check box ticked tick will only display documents containing both search and rescue.

NOTE: The Search function works on substrings. For example, the search string: cent will return a list of documents containing the word in any part of the text, and will match against adjacent, descent, centred, concentration, recent, etc.

System Requirements

Minimum eAIP HTML Technology Requirements

Minimum eAIP PDF Technology Requirements

Notes and features of the eAIP:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 - Why does the PDF button in the commands frame fail to open the corresponding PDF file?

A1 - Modern web browsers have been developed offering new features and additional security.
Once such security feature is “Cross Origin Request Sharing” [CORS] which allows [or denies!] access to shared resources from a different network origin.
This will typically allow for files to be opened from a different network source, but only if specific conditions are met.

In this case, your browser has denied access to the PDF document as CORS prevented access.

What can I do to prevent this?

For further detail, review the eAIP Side Letter for additional information.

Additional Information

The section may contain additional information regarded as useful for the consultation and use of the eAIP.