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Serviço de Informação Aeronáutica (AIS) Centro de Controlo de Tráfego Aéreo de Lisboa Rua C, Edifício 118 Aeroporto de Lisboa 1700-007 LISBOA

AIP Supplement for PORTUGAL





Effective from 31 OCT 2024

Published on 19 SEP 2024


1.    Introduction

Porto Airport will undertake construction works to rehabilitate and geometrically correct the runway pavement.

Work will also be carried out on the strip to improve drainage, soil resistance and correct slopes.

Works are also planned on replacement of visual aids for navigation (lights) including approach lines.

The total duration of the work is expected to be approximately 19 months. All works are expected to be complete by 23 December 2025.

2.    Purpose

The purpose of this AIP Supplement is to inform all LPPR operators of construction works on the operational areas and adjacent safety areas, inherent closure, restrictions, or limitations to runway 17/35 usage and operational procedures limitations.

3.   Works programme
3.1   Engineering interventions
  1. Runway pavement – rehabilitation and geometric correction of runway pavement including the turn pad.
  2. Strip/RESA - correction of slopes, reinforcement of the existing drainage system and introduction of an internal drainage system, improvement of the resistance of areas with less support capacity of the graded strip.
  3. Electrical system/equipment – replacement and/or installation of electrical system, cabling and new equipment for all intervened areas including approach lines.
  4. Vertical Signs – Installation of new vertical signs in accordance with the EASA Certification Specifications.
  5. Markings - New markings accordingly with the EASA Certification Specifications.
3.2   Phases

Given the extensive and diverse nature of the intervention works, to facilitate the reading and AIS notification, works phases will be identified by numeric character and the descriptions of each phase are referred below. There may be the possibility of overlap between phases.All phases will be activated by NOTAM.

IdentificationDuration (days)
Phase 030
Phase 160
Phase 290
Phase 3300
Phase 4390
Phase 590
Phase 6210
Phase 7150
Phase 830
Phase 9210
  1. Runway closure 23h00 to 05h00 UTC, Sunday to Friday between 10/09/2024 to 26/10/2024.
  2. Runway closure 00h00 to 06h00 UTC, Monday to Saturday between 28/10/2024 to 29/03/2025.
  3. Runway closure 23h00 to 05h00 UTC, Sunday to Friday between 30/03/2025 to 25/10/2025.
  4. Runway closure 00h00 to 06h00 UTC, Monday to Saturday between 27/10/2025 to 23/11/2025
3.3   Brief description of the works

The construction phasing was structured to guaranty the operation and utilization, in full safety conditions, of the entire infrastructure that constitutes the system of runways and taxiways during the construction works, which is predicted to last 570 calendar days.

PHASE 0 - CONSTRUCTION SITE ASSEMBLY, This phase includes all construction works on the infrastructure necessary for the correct operation of the works, including the supply of materials to be used during the work.PHASE 1 - PREPARATORY WORKSThis phase includes preparation works including topographic survey.PHASE 2 - DEEP REHABILITATION OF RUNWAY PAVEMENT.This phase includes in-depth rehabilitation work on some segments of the track's resistant pavement as well the Turn Pad. At this stage, areas of the track that require more than two layers of bituminous mixtures will also be intervened. Its also at this phase that work will begin to remove the runway lights that interfere with pavement milling work.PHASE 3 - RUNWAY RE-PROFILINGThis phase includes the runway re-profiling work, including milling the existing pavement and applying new smoothing and wearing layers.PHASE 4 - DRAINAGE, STRIP INTERVENTIONS AND SIGNALING INFRASTRUCTURESThis phase includes drainage work (drain execution and collector rehabilitation), as well as lightning infrastructure work, installation of vertical panels and regularization of strip.PHASE 5 – MARKINGSThis phase includes the final work of marking and materializing notable points on the runway.PHASE 6 – APPROACH LIGHTS - RUNWAY 17This phase includes all the works to update the approach lighting system. PHASE 7 – APPROACH LIGHTS - RUNWAY 35This phase includes all the works to update the approach lighting system.PHASE 8 – FINAL WORKSThis phase includes the final pavement characterization.PHASE 9 – WORKS ON THE RUNWAY ENERGY SUPPLY CENTERS.This phase includes the necessary works in runway energy supply centers to replace regulators brightness and other changes planned in the command-and-control system.

4.   General safety procedures
  1. Working areas marked and illuminated according to EU requirements/EASA CSs and ICAO Standards, as applicable.
  2. All areas will be cleaned and inspected before being considered fit for purpose and the passage of aircraft.
  3. Men and equipment under Tower Control and Airport Authority Supervision in areas opened to traffic. In the closed areas the works will be under Airport staff oversight.
  4. Communication between Air Traffic Services, Airport Authority and work Site Supervision always implemented, including works in closed areas.
  5. No obstacle limitation surfaces will be affected.
5.   Procedures

Most of the work will take place during the runway closure period.When it is not possible or where there is no need to close Operational areas, the construction works will be held in ON-OFF procedures. When there are aircraft movements, the works will be interrupted and coordinated between Airport Authority and ATS.All the areas will be cleaned and inspected before being considered fit for the purpose of aircraft movement.If needed, working areas and temporary hazards will be day and night signalized.

6.   Downgrading/Withdrawal if visual aids

NOTAM will be issued to notify downgrading of visual aids affecting ground navigation including aerodrome ground lights, markings and signs.Temporally during Phase 6 and 7 only 450m from the approach lights will be available, therefore, operators shall adopt the operational safety procedures deemed necessary.Gaps on runway centre line lights during Phase 2 therefore, operators shall adopt the operational safety procedures deemed necessary.

7.   Precautions

Pilots are advised to take note of the following precautions:

  1. ILS out service during phase 3,4 (60 days estimated).
  2. Possible changes on braking action along the runway.
  3. During work, degradation of visual aids may be expected.
8.   Implementation

This AIP Supplement will be applicable during the whole of the construction period. TRIGER NOTAM will be issued notifying of the effective date of implementation and any subsequent changes affecting aircraft operations.

9.   Validity

This Supplement is valid from 31-OCT-2024 until estimated end date 23-DEC-2025, replaces AIP SUP 048/2024 and NOTAM A3454/24.