GEN 1.6  Summary Of National Regulations And International Agreements/Conventions

Following is a list of civil aviation legislation, air navigation regulations, etc., in force in Portugal (including Madeira and Açores Islands).

It is essential that persons engaged in air operations in these territories be acquainted with relevant regulations. Copies of the documents may be obtained from the IMPRENSA NACIONAL - CASA DA MOEDA SA (Government Printing Office), Rua da Escola Politécnica, 147, 1250-100 LISBOA.

or on website of ANAC

Decree-Law 36158
17 February 1947
Convention on International Civil Aviation
13 July 1931 and Law 1938
26 March 1936
Air Traffic Regulations
Decree-Law 41815
09 August 1958
Multilateral Agreement on Commercial Rights of Non-Scheduled Air Service in Europe
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) NR 923/2012, of 26 September (SERA IR Regulation)
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1185, of 20 July (SERA - Part C)
Rules of the Air
Ministerial Order 54/74
30 January 1974
Air Traffic Services
Decree-Law 274/77
04 July 1977, amended by Decree-Law 156/79, 29 May 1979 and 213/88, 17 June 1988
Ministerial Order 129/79
22 March 1979
Regulation of non-scheduled flights categories within of ECAC definitions
Decree-Law 40/2015 of 16 MarchEstablishment, functions and organization of “Autoridade Nacional da Aviação Civil” (Portuguese Civil Aviation Authority)
Decree-Law 404/98
18 December 1998, amended by Law 35/99, 26 May 1999 and by Decree-Law 74/2003, 16 Apr 2003, 33/2010, 14 Apr 2010 and 254/2012, 28 Nov 2012

Establishment, functions and organization of “ANA Aeroportos de Portugal, SA and Navegação Aérea de Portugal E.P.E. (NAV-EPE)”

Decree-Law 322/98
28 October 1998
Establishment of National FAL/SEC Commission
Regulation (EU) NR 376/2014 of The European Parliament and of The Council of 3 April

Decree-Law 36/2017 of 28 March
Reporting, analysis and follow-up of occurrences in civil aviation, amending Regulation (EU) NR 996/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Directive 2003/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Regulations (EC) NR 1321/2007 and (EC) NR 1330/2007.

Establishment, functions and organization of “Gabinete de Prevenção e Investigação de Acidentes com Aeronaves e de Acidentes Ferroviários (GPIAAF) “
Decree-Law 109/2008
26 June 2008
Establishment of Coordinated Portuguese Airports and National Slot Coordination and National Coordination Committee (CNC)
Decree-Law 10/2004
09 January 2004
Penalties and Amount
Decree-Law 009/2007
17 January 2007, updated by the governmental amendment 18/2007, 16 Mar 2007 and changed by Decree-Law 278/2007, 01 Aug 2007
Decree-Law 293/2003, 19 Nov 2003, amended by Decree-Law 208/2004, 19 Aug 2004

Noise Abatement Procedures

Regulation (EU) No 598/2014 of The European Parliament and of The Council of 16 April 2014. Establishment of rules and procedures with regard to the introduction of noise-related operating restrictions at Union airports within a Balanced Approach and repealing Directive 2002/30/EC
Ministerial Order 303-A/2004, 22 Mar 2004, amended by Ministerial Order 259/2005, 16 Mar 2005
Ministerial Order 241-A/2015 of 12 August
Lisboa exception regime
Ministerial Order R.A.A. 88/2010
09 September 2010
Ponta Delgada, Lajes, Santa Maria, Horta and Pico exception regime
Ministerial Order 831/2007
01 August 2007
Porto exception regime
Ministerial Order R.A.M 69/2007
13 July 2007
Madeira exception regime
Ministerial Order R.A.M 70/2007
13 July 2007
Porto Santo exception regime
Decree-Law 186/2007, 10 May 2007, amended by Decree-Law 55/2010, 31 May 2010.Establishing the conditions for the construction, certification and operation of national civil aerodromes. Establishes the operational, administrative, safety and facilitation requirements to be applied to these infrastructures and proceeds to the operational classification of national civil aerodromes for the purposes of airport planning.
National Regulation 401/2017, 23 July 2017.Laying down requirements applicable to Rescue and Fire fighting in aerodromes.
National regulation 645/2019, 16 August 2019, partially suspending Regulation 401/2017, within the scope of aerodromes certified under Commission Regulation (EU) No. 139/2014, 12 February 2014.Laying down requirements applicable to means of Rescue and Fire fighting at aerodromes.
Commission Regulation (EU) 139/2014, 12 February 2014.Laying down requirements and administrative procedures related to aerodromes pursuant to Regulation (EC) 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

Miscellaneous information

Subject to the observances of the applicable rules, conditions, and limitations set forth in this document and in legislation described above, foreign civil aircraft registered in any foreign country which at the time is a member of the International Civil Aviation Organization may be navigated in Portugal.

Aircraft registered under the laws of foreign countries, not members of the International Civil Aviation Organization, which grant reciprocal treatment to Portuguese aircraft and airmen, may be navigated in Portugal subject to the observance of the same rules, conditions, and limitations applicable in the case of aircraft of ICAO member states.