ENR 1.13  Unlawful Interference

1.   General

An aircraft subjected to unlawful interference shall endeavour to notify the appropriate ATS unit of this fact, any significant circumstances associated therewith and any deviation from the current flight plan, in order to enable the ATS unit to give priority to the aircraft and to minimize conflict with other aircraft.

2.   Procedures

The following procedures are intended for use by aircraft when unlawful interference occurs and the aircraft is unable to notify an ATS unit of this fact:
Unless considerations aboard the aircraft dictate otherwise, the pilot-in-command should attempt to continue flying on the assigned track and at the assigned cruising level at least until notification to an ATS unit is possible or the aircraft is within radar coverage.
When an aircraft subjected to an act of unlawful interference must depart from its assigned track or its assigned cruising level without being able to make radiotelephony contact with ATS, the pilot-in-command shall, whenever possible:
  1. Attempt to broadcast warnings on the VHF emergency frequency and other appropriate frequencies, unless considerations aboard the aircraft dictate otherwise. Other equipment such as on-board transponders, data links, ADS-B, ADS-C, etc.should also be used when it is advantageous to do so and circumstances permit;
  2. Endeavour to set his transponder on Mode A code 7500. The aircraft may also operate the transponder on Mode A code 7700, to indicate that it is threatened by serious and imminent danger (such as a bomb threat WRNG received) subsequently requiring immediate assistance;
  3. Attempt to land as soon as practicable at the nearest suitable aerodrome or at a dedicated aerodrome assigned by the ATS, previously coordinated with the Civil Aviation Authority, unless considerations aboard the aircraft dictate otherwise.
ATS unit shall transmit and carry on transmitting information required for flight safety, without expecting any answer from the aircraft.
ATS unit will give priority to the aircraft and apply conflict resolution procedures with other aircraft, increasing separation, above the specified minima as extra precaution. This should be done with due regard to all relevant components of the ATC system, including minimizing the impact over air traffic flow by the application of excessive separations.
An aircraft known or believed to be subject to unlawful interference or which for other reasons needs isolation from normal aerodrome activities shall be cleared to a designated isolated parking position.
The taxi clearance shall be transmitted by the ATS specifying taxi route to be followed to parking position. The taxi route shall be selected considering a conservative approach, minimizing security risks to people, property, including aircraft and aerodrome infrastructures.