ENR 1.11  Addressing Of Flight Plan Messages

1.11.1   Addressing of IFR Flight Plans for Lisboa and Santa Maria FIR

General addressing procedures

Lisboa and Santa Maria FIR are part of the EUROCONTROL IFPS Zone. As published in the Network Operations Handbook/IFPS Users Manual, all flight plans and associated messages of IFR/GAT flights departing, landing or overflying the IFPS Zone must be addressed only to the IFPS, who will process and transmit the messages to the appropriate ATC Units within the IFPS Zone.

Further details concerning Network Management/IFPS may be obtained, under Network Management, via the EUROCONTROL website:

IFPS Addresses

All flight plans and associated messages (DLA, CHG, etc.) must always be addressed to both existing IFPS units. When addressing to the IFPS, users may use AFTN or SITA:



Re-addressing function of the IFPS

Message originators, when sending the flight plan to the IFPS, users should include the address of the ATS Units outside of IFPZ (extra addresses), if any, who are concerned with the flight. The extra addresses are to be included in the message text, in the additional address line, which must be inserted after the originator information line and immediately before the line starting with the open bracket “(“. The IFPS will transmit the flight plan to the internal addresses as well as the external addresses supplied by the originator.

Special addressing procedures for military flights

All flight plans and associated messages of military flights from, to or overflying Portugal mainland must include LPAMYWYA, LPAMYWYB, LPPTYWYA, LPAMYXYX and LPAMYCYX in the additional address line. For military flights within Santa Maria FIR, the address to be included is LPAMYWYA and LPAMYCYX.

Flights with destination Military Transit Aerodrome nr. 1 (AT1) located at Lisboa International Airport (LPPT) must also be addressed to LPPTYXYA.

Addressing of VFR flight plans within Lisboa FIR

The flight plan and any other associated messages shall be addressed to LPPPZPZX, to the ADEP/ADES TWR if available, and to LPPCZFZX, LPAMYWYA, LPAMYCYX, LPPTYWYA, LPAMYWYB, LPAMYXYX. These shall also be addressed to LPPTZTZA, if flight route crosses LPPT CTR or if ADEP or ADES is LPPT.

Addressing of VFR flight plans within Santa Maria FIR

The flight plan and any other associated messages shall be addressed to LPPPZPZX, LPZZFPLS, LPAMYWYA, LPAMYCYX and: