AD 1   Aerodromes/Heliports - Introduction

AD 1.1  Aerodrome/Heliport Availability

1.1.1   General conditions under which aerodromes / heliports and associated facilities are available for use

1. Aerodromes administration

The administration of Lisboa, Porto, Faro, Madeira, Porto Santo, Santa Maria, Ponta Delgada, Horta and Flores aerodromes, is the responsibility of ANA Aeroportos de Portugal, SA - (see AD 2 of each aerodrome, for administrative data).

The administration of PICO, SÃO JORGE, GRACIOSA and CORVO aerodromes is the responsibility of SATA - Gestão de Aeroportos SA (see AD 2 of each aerodrome, for administrative data).

Military aerodromes are under the responsibility of the respective commander.

Municipality and private aerodromes are licensed by Autoridade Nacional de Aviação Civil (ANAC) to ensure compliance with certain minima standards.

2. Conditions of Availability

Civil aircraft are not permitted to land at any aerodrome not listed in this AIP except in cases of real emergency or where special permission has been granted.

3. Operational Hours

The operating hours of the aerodrome shall be referred in AD 2.3, Item 1, when different of the aerodrome administration

4. Standard conditions applicable to the landing, parking or storage of aircraft on aerodromes under the control of the ANA Aeroportos de Portugal, SA

The conditions under which aircraft may land, be parked, housed or otherwise dealt with at any of the aerodromes under the control of the ANA Aeroportos de Portugal, SA are as follows:

  1. The fees and charges for the landing, parking or housing of aircraft shall be those from time to time published by the Director of Civil Aviation (hereinafter referred to as “Director” in the AIP or NOTAM. The fees and charges for any supplies or services which may be furnished to the aircraft at any aerodrome under the control of the Director by or on behalf of the Director shall, unless it is otherwise agreed before such fees or charges are incurred, be such reasonable fees and charges as may from time to time be determined by the Director for that aerodrome. The fees and charges referred to in this paragraph shall accrue from day to day and shall be payable to the Director on demand.
  2. The Director shall have a lien on the aircraft, its parts and accessories, for such fees and charges as aforesaid.
  3. If payment of such fees and charges is not made to the Director within fourteen days after a letter demanding payment thereof has been sent by post addressed to the registered owner of the aircraft, the Director shall be entitled to sell, remove, destroy or otherwise dispose of the aircraft and any of its parts and accessories, and to apply the proceeds from so doing to the payment of such fees and charges.
  4. Neither the Director nor any servant shall be liable for loss of or damage to the aircraft, its parts or accessories or any property contained in the aircraft, howsoever such loss or damage may arise, occurring while the aircraft is on any of the aerodromes under the control of the Director or is in the course of landing or taking-off at any such aerodrome, or of being removed or dealt with elsewhere for the purposes of paragraph 3 of these conditions.

5. Landings made elsewhere than at alternate airports

If a landing is made elsewhere than at an international airport or a designated alternate airport, the pilot in command shall report the landing as soon as practicable to the health, customs and immigration authorities at the international airport at which the landing was scheduled to take place. This notification may be made through aeronautical radio channels, if this method of communication is available or by telegram.

The pilot in command shall be responsible for ensuring that:

  1. If pratique has not been granted to the aircraft at the previous landing, contact between other persons on the one hand and the passengers and crew on the other is avoided;
  2. That cargo, baggage and mail are not removed from the aircraft except as provided below;
  3. Any foodstuffs of overseas origin, or any plant material is not removed from the aircraft except where local food is unobtainable. AIl food refuse including peelings, cores, stones or fruit, etc. must be collected and returned to the galley refuse container, the contents of which should not be removed from the aircraft except for hygiene reasons, in which case they must be destroyed by burning or deep burial.

6. Traffic or persons and vehicles on aerodromes

6.1 Dermarcation of Zones

The grounds of each aerodrome is divided into two zones:

  1. A public zone comprising the part of the aerodrome open to the public;
  2. A restricted zone comprising the rest of the aerodrome.

6.2 Movement of Persons

Access to the restricted zone, is authorized only under conditions prescribed by the special rules governing the aerodrome. The customs, police and health inspection offices and the premises assigned to transit traffic are normally accessible only to passengers, to staff of the public authorities and airlines and to authorized persons in pursuit of their duty. The movement of persons having access to the restricted zone of the aerodrome is subject to the conditions prescribed by the air traffic regulations and by the special rules laid down by the person responsible for the management of the aerodrome.

6.3 Movement of Vehicles

The movement of vehicles in the restricted zone is strictly limited to vehicles driven or used by persons carrying a traffic permit or an official card of admittance. Drivers of vehicles, of whatever type, driving within the confines of the aerodrome, must respect the direction of the traffic, the traffic signs and the posted speed limits and generally comply with the provisions of the highway code and with instructions given by the competent authorities.

6.4 Policing

Care and protection of aircraft, vehicles, equipment and goods for which the aerodrome facilities are used are not the responsibility of the State or any concessionaire who cannot be responsible for loss or damage which is not incurred through action by them or their agents.

1.1.2   Applicable ICAO Documents

ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices contained in Annex 14 are applied.

1.1.3   Regulations concerning civil use of military air bases

1. General:

Portuguese military aerodromes are normally restricted to military aircraft only. Providing that a civil airport is not available in the proximity and that intentions are clearly stated, the use of military AD by civilian aircraft requires a 3 day prior permission request (PPR), sent by the owner or the operator, to the following address:

  • Portuguese aircraft:
    Gabinete do Estado-Maior da Força Aérea

    Av. da Força Aérea Portuguesa, Nº 1
    Alfragide - 2614-506 Amadora

    Fax: +351 214 713 237

  • Foreign aircraft:
    ANAC - Autoridade Nacional da Aviação Civil

    Aeroporto de Lisboa, Rua B - Edifício 4,5 e 6
    1749 - 034 Lisboa

    Tel: +351 212 842 226

    Fax: + 351 218 402 398

2. Hours of operation:

The use of military aerodromes by civilian aircraft is restricted to normal ATS operating hours (as per NOTAM).
Due to noise abatement restrictions civilian aircraft are not authorized to operate between 00:00 (23:00) and 06:00 (05:00)

3. Prior Permission Request (PPR):

The following items are mandatory:

  1. Intended military aerodrome, purpose and reason for its use and period of utilization.
  2. Departure airfield, last stopover and following destination.
  3. Date of flight and ETA.
  4. Type, registration and weight of the aircraft.
  5. Number of crew and passengers on board.
  6. Aerodrome facilities and services required, not to include petrol, oils and lubricants which shall only be supplied in emergency situations.
  7. Copy of the insurance liability for the aircraft occupants and third-part, showing its applicability to military facilities.
  8. Any other information deemed useful for a more effective assistance upon arrival.

4. Applicability:

These procedures do not apply to:
Flights to Alverca (LPAR) for maintenance purposes and related matters with OGMA - Oficinas Gerais de Material Aéreo, SA. and to flights to Beja (LPBJ) operating at Terminal Civil de Beja. Additionally Medical / Hospital flights with recognized urgency are also exempted.

5. Liability:

Users must consider compliance with security and operational rules in force and that authorization may be cancelled at any time. Should this happen Portuguese Air Force, Portuguese Army for aircraft intended to operate at Tancos aerodrome, will not be liable for responsibilities whatsoever.

1.1.4   CATII/III operations at aerodromes


1.1.5   Other Information

Noise abatement procedures


The following procedures may at any time be departed from to the extent necessary for avoiding immediate danger. Every operator of aircraft using the airport, shall ensure at all times that aircraft are operated in a manner calculated to cause the least disturbance practicable in areas surrounding the airport.


For aircraft licensed in accordance with ICAO ANNEX 16, Chapter 2:

1500 FT - 3000 FT AGL.CLIMB AT V2 + 10 KT

For aircraft licensed in accordance with ANNEX 16, Chapter 3 as well as B737 - 200 as far as the noise levels for take - off pursuant to ICAO ANNEX 16, Chapter 3 have provably been reached by supplementary equipment:

At 1000 FT AGLMaintaining a positive Rate of climb, accelerate to zero flap minimum safe manoeuvring speed (Vzf) retracting flap on schedule;
Thereafter reduce thrust consistent with the following:
a) For high by-pass ratio engines reduce to normal climb power/thrust;
b) for low by-pass ratio engines, reduce power/thrust to below normal climb thrust but not less than that necessary to maintain the final take-off engine-out climb gradient; and
c) for aeroplanes with slow flap retracting reduce power / thrust at an intermediate flap setting.
1000 FT - 3000 FT AGLContinue climb at not greater than Vzf + 10 KT
AT 3000 FT AGLAccelerate smoothly to en route climb speed.

Note: Aeroplanes such as supersonic aeroplanes not using wing flaps for take-off should reduce thrust before attaining 1000 FT but not lower than 500 FT.

1.1.6   Restrictions for nocturnal flights for civil aircraft on Portuguese airports and/or aerodromes

1. On Airports and/or Aerodromes landing and/or take-off is forbidden by Law between 00:00 (23:00) and 06:00 (05:00) in Portugal Mainland and Madeira Archipelago, between 01:00 (00:00) and 07:00 (06:00) in Ponta Delgada (LPPD), except in case of force majeur.

2. However, according to Governmental deliberation an exception regime has been granted for Lisboa (LPPT), Porto (LPPR), Madeira (LPMA), Porto Santo (LPPS) and Ponta Delgada (LPPD) airports in which landing and/or take-off are allowed in a limited number. Thus, in these Airports landing and/or take-off will be allowed between the mentioned hours to Civil aircraft that:

  1. have had a flight coordinated with at least one day in advance with the IATA Airport Slot Coordinator, and
  2. have a noise certificate according with ICAO Annex 16, Vol I, Chapt 3.

3. Cases of force majeur are considered as follows:

  1. aircraft and medical emergencies, evacuations and humanitarian reasons,
  2. landing and take-off in a situation where the Airport is alternate for meteorological reasons, technical failure or flight safety,
  3. flights that have been previously approved by the Government or occasionally by Portuguese Civil Aviation Authority - ANAC, in cases which proved of public interest,
  4. flight delays caused by serious Air Traffic Control perturbation,
  5. In LPPC FIR Aerodromes: landing and/or take-off until 01:00 (00:00) for flights planned before 00:00 (23:00) delayed for reasons not imputable to aircraft operator or airport
  6. traffic portion to/from Autonomous Regions of Madeira and Açores, due to meteorological reasons,
  7. In LPPC FIR Aerodromes: landings in the period from 05:00 to 06:00 (04:00 to 05:00) due to meteorological reasons, provided the scheduled arrival time is planned after 06:00 (05:00)

4. These restrictions do not apply to Military flights, landing and/or take-off by reasons of force majeur are not accountable for maximum limit of movements between 00:00 (23:00) and 06:00 (05:00) in LPPC FIR Aerodromes.