ContactContactAeronautical Information Service | AIC for PORTUGAL![]() NAV PORTUGAL E.P.E. | AIC A 004/2021 Effective from 02 DEC 2021 Published on 21 OCT 2021 |
The General Directorate for Health - (DGS) has issued a Guidance Notice regarding the prevention of the exportation risk of Aedes aegypti mosquito from vector transmission regions such as the Madeira island. The above referred Notice establishes rules and procedures for the disinsectisation of aircraft departing from Madeira aerodrome (LPMA).
Concerning the 2013 outbreak of dengue fever at Madeira island, the Director General for Health has issued a Notice where it is considered of the utmost necessity the application of spraying measures on aircraft departing from Madeira AD.
This Aeronautical Information Circular establishes the obligation for all aircraft departing from Madeira AD to undergo a disinsectisation process with the aim of preventing the risk of export of Aedes aegypti mosquito.
With immediate effect.
Having regard to the sub paragraph d) of n.º 3 of Article 5 of the Decree Law n. 82/2009 of the 2nd of April, establishing the legal basis for the designation, competence and functioning of entities that exercise the rule of legal authority for health, and sub paragraph a) of n. 2, Article 2 of the Regulatory Decree n. 14/2012, approving the General Directorate for Health - the Portuguese Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC - Autoridade Nacional da Aviação Civil) determines the obligation to comply with the following procedures:
The General Directorate for Health - (DGS) has issued a Guidance Notice regarding the prevention of the exportation risk of Aedes aegypti mosquito from vector transmission regions such as the Madeira island. The above referred Notice establishes rules and procedures for the disinsectisation of aircraft departing from Madeira aerodrome (LPMA).
Disinsectisation of all aircraft departing from Madeira AD, by application of authorized insecticide spray products containing d-phenotrin at 0,3% concentration, for the proportion of 1000ml of product per 250m3 of treatable volume, according to the recommendation by the World Health Organization:
In Madeira airport areas, as a preventive action, measures for the elimination of potential vector breeding sites should be reinforced as well as entomological monitoring, with deployment of the contingency plan for anti-vector fight in case of positive samples. Puddles of water and other sites of stagnant water should be closely monitored. It’s important to note that the execution of the aforementioned measures is binding and supervised by the Portuguese Civil Aviation Authority.
Decree Law n.º 82/2009, 2nd April.
Regulatory Decree n. 14/2012, 26th January.
General Directorate for Health (DGS) Guidance Notice 018/2012, 31st October.
This AIC replaces AIC 002/2013.