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Safety, Strategy and Quality
Aeronautical Information Service Apartado 8223
1803-001 Lisboa Codex




A 004/2016

Effective from 26 NOV 2016

Published on 26 NOV 2016


Third Country Operators (TCO) engaging in scheduled or non-scheduled commercial air transport operations into, within or out of a territory subject to the provisions of the Treaty of the European Union, must hold a safety authorisation issued by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in accordance with Regulation (EU) 452/2014. This includes operators which are wet leased-in by, or code-sharing with, an EU operator when commercial flights to any territory subject to the provisions of the Treaty of the European Union are performed. A TCO authorisation is not be required for operators only overflying the abovementioned EU territories without a planned landing.

Applications for a TCO authorisation, including all the necessary documentation, should be submitted to the Agency at least 30 days before the intended starting date of operation.

Member States continue to be responsible for issuing operating permits. The safety authorisation issued by EASA is one prerequisite in the process of obtaining an operating permit, or equivalent document, from the respective EU Member State under existing Air Service Agreements between EU Member States and third countries. �

Non-scheduled flights - one-off notifications. A third country operator may perform air ambulance flights or a non-scheduled flight or a series of non-scheduled flights to overcome an unforeseen, immediate and urgent operational need without first obtaining an authorisation, provided that the operator:

(1) notifies EASA in a form and manner established by EASA prior to the intended date of the first flight;
(2) is not being subject to an operating ban pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005; and
(3) submits to EASA an application for TCO authorisation within 10 working days after the date of the notification.

The flights specified in the notification may be performed for a maximum period of six consecutive weeks after the date of notification or until EASA has communicated the formal decision on the application for a TCO authorisation, whichever occurs first. One-off notifications may be filed only once every 24 months by an operator.

For more information please visit the EASA website:


Documents to be presented by the Air Carriers to ANAC to issue operating permits:

  1. Safety authorisation issued by EASA;
  2. Insurance Certificate covering passengers, baggage, cargo and legal liability for damages to third parties, including third party liability arising from an act of war, hijacking and other perils, in accordance with the minimum insurance coverage set out in Regulation (EC) No. 785/2004 on Minimum Insurance Requirements;
  3. Noise Certificate; and
  4. Security Programme, in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No. 300/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2008, on common rules in the field of civil aviation security and repealing Regulation (EC) No. 2320/2002.

This circular replaces AIP AIC 010 - 2014 A