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Safety, Strategic and Quality
Aeronautical Information Service Apartado 8223
1803-001 Lisboa Codex




A 007/2014

Effective from 20 MAR 2014

Published on 20 MAR 2014


1. — Requirements according to ICAO Annex 15

According to Annex 15 (Aeronautical Information Services) to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, Chapter 10 (Electronic terrain and obstacle data), States are required to provide electronic terrain and obstacle data for the following four defined areas:

Area 1:

The entire territory of a State.�

Area 2:

Within the vicinity of an aerodrome, sub-divided as follows:

Area 2a: a rectangular area around a runway that comprises the runway strip plus any clearway that exists;

Area 2b: an area extending from the ends of Area 2a in the direction of departure, with a length of 10 km and a splay of 15 percent to each side;

Area 2c: an area extending outside Area 2a and Area 2b at a distance of not more than 10 km from the boundary of Area 2a; and

Area 2d: an area outside the Areas 2a, 2b and 2c up to a distance of� 45 km from the aerodrome reference point, or to an existing terminal control area boundary (TMA), whichever is nearest.

Area 3:

The area bordering an aerodrome movement area that extends horizontally from the edge of a runway to 90 m from the runway centre line and 50 m from the edge of all other parts of the aerodrome movement area.

Area 4:

The area extending 900 m prior to the runway threshold and 60 m each side of the extended runway centre line in the direction of the approach on a precision approach runway, Category II or III.

Electronic terrain data shall be provided for Area 1. The obstacle data shall be provided for obstacles in Area 1 higher than 100 m above ground.

From 12 November 2015, at aerodromes regularly used by international civil aviation, electronic obstacle data shall be provided for all obstacles within Area 2 that are assessed as being a hazard to air navigation.

From 12 November 2015, at aerodromes regularly used by international civil aviation, electronic terrain and obstacle data shall be provided as follows:

  1. Electronic terrain data
    • Area 2a
    • Take-off path area; and
    • An area bounded by lateral extent of the aerodrome obstacle limitation surfaces.
  2. Electronic obstacle data
    • Area 2a, for those obstacles that penetrate the relevant obstacle data collection surface specified in ICAO Annex 15, Appendix 8;
    • Objects in the take-off flight path area which project above a plane surface having a 1.2 per cent slope and having a common origin with the take-off flight path area ( see ICAO Annex 4, 3.8.2); and
    • Penetrations of the aerodrome obstacle limitation surfaces (see ICAO Annex 14, Volume 1, and Chapter 4).

For the purpose of selection of the aerodromes for the provision of Area 2 data shall be cumulatively used the following criteria:

In accordance with this selection criteria are included the following aerodromes:

At aerodromes regularly used by international civil aviation, electronic terrain and obstacle data should be provided for Area 3 for terrain and obstacles that penetrate the relevant obstacle data collection surface specified in ICAO Annex 15, Appendix 8.

At aerodromes regularly used by international civil aviation, electronic terrain and obstacle data shall be provided for Area 4 for terrain and obstacles that penetrate the relevant obstacle data collection surface specified in ICAO Annex 15, Appendix 8, for all runways where precision approach Category II or III operations have been established.

2.  Differences from ICAO Annex 15

Not all specified attributes associated with the obstacles in Area 1 are available. Detailed descriptions of obstacles in Areas 2 and 3 according to ICAO Annex 15, Appendix 1 and AD 2.10, are not provided. Selected aerodrome obstacle data are provided either in the aerodrome obstacle chart (ICAO) or in AD 2.10. Terrain and obstacle data for Area 4 are currently not available. These differences are reported to ICAO and published in Part GEN 1.7 of the Portuguese Aeronautical Information Publication.

3.  Acquisition of terrain data for Area 1

The Direção Geral do Território in Lisbon provides electronic terrain data for Portugal territory in compliance with ICAO requirements pertaining to Area 1. These data can be acquired and used in accordance with a license agreement to be concluded directly with that organization.

4.  Acquisition of obstacle data for Area 1

Obstacle data for Area 1 (obstacles higher than 100 m above ground) will be made available electronically by NAV Portugal, on request. At present, not all attributes of obstacles required by ICAO Annex 15, Appendix 8, Table A8-4, can be delivered as these data are currently not available for most of the existing obstacles.

Available at NAV PortugalObstacle attributeMandatory/Optional for ETOD
XArea of coverageMandatory
-Data originator identifierMandatory
-Data source identifierMandatory
XObstacle identifierMandatory
-Horizontal accuracyMandatory
-Horizontal confidence levelMandatory
XHorizontal positionMandatory
-Horizontal resolutionMandatory
-Horizontal extentMandatory
XHorizontal reference systemMandatory
-Vertical accuracyMandatory
-Vertical confidence levelMandatory
XElevation referenceMandatory
-Vertical resolutionMandatory
XVertical reference systemMandatory
XObstacle typeMandatory
-Geometry typeMandatory
-Date and time stampMandatory
XUnit of measurement usedMandatory

* As a rule, all obstacles provided are of a permanent nature and considered to be erected with immediate effect.

Due to the age of parts of the stored data, it cannot be guaranteed that all obstacle data comply with the accuracy requirements of ICAO Annex 15, Chapter 10. INAC, I.P. in cooperation with the different national organizations connected to this subject are endeavoring to compile the missing data step by step.

The data currently available can be acquired, on request, as an XML or CSV file formats to:

Email:[email protected]


5.  Requests

Customer requests regarding the provision of electronic terrain data for Area 1shall be addressed in writing to:

Direção Geral do Território
Rua da Artilharia Um, 107
1099-052, Lisboa

Email: [email protected]